How Is Spousal Support Determined?
When one spouse has been the primary bread winner for the family, one of the greatest questions looming is: How will the other spouse support himself or herself after the marriage is over?
Spousal support or alimony in Tennessee is not an automatic right.
Factors Family Courts Use To Determine Spousal Support
Family law courts will look at factors to determine if and when to award spousal maintenance, including:
- Whether one spouse has less earning potential than the other spouse
- Whether one spouse has made career or educational sacrifices for the marriage
- Duration of the marriage
- Physical or mental conditions or disabilities that hinder the earning potential of a spouse
- Nonfinancial contributions made to the marriage
If support is granted, it typically comes with a time limit. This gives the supported spouse the time and opportunity to gain education or employment opportunities. In some rare cases, courts award alimony on a permanent basis.
We Will Explain Your Legal Options
Located in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, our attorneys at Evans Bulloch Parker PLLC have handled hundreds of family law cases throughout Middle Tennessee and throughout the state, including highly contentious spousal support disputes. Let us use our knowledge and skill to help you.
We can examine the circumstances of your marriage to determine if either spouse is eligible to receive spousal support. We will talk to you about the factors and how they may apply in your situation and for how long.
Schedule A Consultation Today
Whether you are seeking spousal support or are concerned your spouse may seek it from you, our lawyers will provide you with realistic expectations and a clear understanding of your options. Contact us online or call us at 888-900-7086 or 888-900-7086.