Reach A Fair Parenting Plan – And Enforce It
When parents separate, a parenting plan will decide how they will share time with their child. Although parenting plans can allow some flexibility, parents still must follow the plan closely. Therefore, it is important to make sure that your plan is fair to you and your child.
Evans Bulloch Parker PLLC is highly experienced in negotiation – even when the issue at hand is as personal as protecting your time with your child. We know how to stand up for you when negotiating a plan with the other parent.
Advocating For You In Court
The court must approve of the parenting plan. As with child custody and visitation, Tennessee courts decide to approve of your proposed plan based on whether it serves the child’s best interests.
A good parenting plan usually includes the following information:
- Where the child will live, including how and when the child will switch between each home if you share physical custody
- How parents plan to split holiday time
- The level of medical and educational information of the child that each party can access
- How parents will resolve any disputes or special requests
- Daily care rules such as decisions regarding the child’s appearance, diet and bedtime
As your lawyers, we can help you look ahead to see what could matter most to you and your child. We will work to reach an arrangement that suits you and your child as much as possible.
Resolving Problems Related To Visitation And Parenting Time
Parenting plans require some communication between both parties. Unfortunately, when two parents face a complicated conflict with one another, they might end up focusing on hurting the other parent instead of caring for the child.
We can work to protect you and your child from harmful tactics such as:
- Withholding your visitation time
- Preventing reasonable communication between you and your child
- Submitting a false domestic violence report against you
- Relocating without notice and court approval
- Sabotaging your parenting time through parental alienation
If these obstacles are damaging your relationship with your child and violating your parental rights, you have legal recourse. We can hold the other parent accountable for intentionally or regularly violating a parenting plan, allowing you to keep focusing on your child.
Ready To Protect Your Parent-Child Relationship
We understand how important the bond you share with your child is for both of you. Call 888-900-7086, or email us in Murfreesboro to discuss your parenting plan and other child custody and visitation needs.