In the summer of 2022, a bill known as the Truth in Sentencing law took effect. This law marks a shift in how the justice system handles violent offenses in the state. What should you know about this new law? What is Tennessee’s “Truth in Sentencing” law? The...
Violent Offenses
Elements of self-defense: Where do you stand?
You get into an altercation with another person, and it turns physical. You both get arrested. The whole thing is caught on video -- maybe it happened outside of a bar or a restaurant -- and you don’t ever dispute that the physical encounter took place. It did. What...
Where was that eyewitness really looking?
If you are accused of a violent crime, the prosecution may produce an eyewitness who allegedly saw the event take place. Maybe someone claims that you brandished a firearm in a bar, for example. You admit to going to the bar in question but you claim you had nothing...
What kinds of behavior could lead to assault charges in Tennessee?
Under Tennessee law, there are two forms of assault, including both basic assault and aggravated assault. Aggravated assault charges typically stem from a situation that involves certain circumstances that make it more serious than a basic offense, such as the death...
Does Facebook violate a ‘no contact order?’
You have a “no contact order” or a restraining order against you, taken out by an old romantic partner. You know that it means you can’t call them, go to their home or go visit them at work. They worried for their safety -- even if you know you’d never harm them --...
There are many defenses to charges of domestic violence
Domestic violence charges are serious, as a conviction can result in prison time, community service, restraining orders and an impact on your professional life. And that's just the start.Rather than hope for the best when your day in court arrives, it's critical to...
The penalties are stiff for Tennessee protective order violations
"Protective orders" can be referred to in a variety of ways in Murfreesboro and other parts of Tennessee. They're sometimes called "restraining orders," and other times, they are referred to as "orders of protection". Each of these legal documents has the same...
What’s the best assault defense strategy?
Any type of criminal charge associated with assault has the potential to impact your life in many ways, such as a restraining order from the victim or a prison sentence. The way you defend yourself against charges of assault and battery depends largely on the...
Law enforcement getting tougher on drugs
There are many reasons law enforcement and the general public stand against drug use and the illicit drug trade in Tennessee. Not only has drug overdose remained a serious epidemic in America for decades, but violent crimes are often associated with the illicit drug...
How high is the rate of violent crime in Tennessee?
When you think of states with the highest crime rates, you may think of New York, Florida and California. These three states have multiple big cities; urban areas have long been considered a common area for crime to take place. However, according to Fox17,...