Much of what people know about divorce comes from the experiences of their loved ones or popular media. Depictions of divorce often focus on the negative. People understand the basics, such as the idea that divorce requires the division of property and discussions...
Child Custody & Visitation
Protecting your inheritance in a divorce
Divorce is sometimes the right option for Tennessee couples, but many people going through divorce still worry about how the process will impact their finances. This is especially true if you own separate property that you want to keep separate. You may have just...
How is child custody determined in Tennessee?
If you and your spouse are getting a divorced, you may have made the process easier by signing a prenup ahead of time. This prenup may address how you plan to divide up your high-value assets and whether one of you will pay the other alimony. However, if you have...
Can I get custody if I make more money?
High-income earners in Tennessee who are going through a divorce know their income affects many aspects of the divorce. It is a factor in alimony and child and spousal support orders. In some situations, it can even impact property division, for instance, if some of...
Parental alienation violates a non-custodial parent’s rights
It is normal to feel angry after a divorce, but you should not let this anger affect your child’s relationship with their other parent. Some custodial parents wrongfully act on this resentment and will, through deceit, encourage the child to refuse to visit or speak...
How to co-parent effectively during and after a divorce
There’s no doubt that divorce can be highly contentious. While your disagreements with your spouse may focus in large part on your marital assets and how to divide them fairly, things can become even more conflictual when children are involved. This is especially true...
How to achieve a child-centered divorce
No matter the circumstances, a divorce represents a significant upheaval in the current family unit. From the division of formerly shared property to the determination of a parenting time schedule, the divorce process is a major turning point for the entire family....
What is custodial interference?
When a parent – typically divorced or separated from their former partner – attempts to obstruct the other parent’s custody rights, they could be accused of custodial interference. Disputes over custody orders for children under 18 years old are a significant point of...