Much of what people know about divorce comes from the experiences of their loved ones or popular media. Depictions of divorce often focus on the negative. People understand the basics, such as the idea that divorce requires the division of property and discussions regarding minor children.
However, there are certain details about divorce that people may not know. The three facts below often surprise many people, and learning them can help people feel more confident about their decision to make a major change.
Divorce can lead to a happier life
Discussions about the impact of divorce often focus on the trauma it causes for the spouses and their children. Despite the potential for trauma, many people use divorce as a springboard to a better life after years in an unhealthier unsatisfying relationship. It is possible for divorcing individuals to improve their circumstances, including their finances and their mental health, by ending a dysfunctional marriage. Although it does often take time to recover from the impact of divorce, people with the right perspective can often enjoy improved overall happiness and a better quality of life on their own after an unsatisfying marriage.
Children can benefit from a divorce
Many parents worry about divorcing because they don’t want to negatively impact the lives of their children. While it is important to focus on keeping things stable and calm, divorce can have a net positive impact on children. Witnessing an unhealthy dynamic between parents can set children up for dysfunctional romantic relationships in the future. They may learn from the examples their parents set, including setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care. Children with the right support can potentially enjoy a bright future after their parents divorce.
Spouses can heal their relationship after divorce
Divorce can lead to intense negative emotions. Once those initial reactions subside, the spouses can potentially develop a healthier dynamic than they had while married to each other. Provided that each spouse takes accountability, tries to forgive and focuses on the future, the spouses can heal their relationship and become friends again after divorce. Co-parenting can provide a basis for developing healthier communication and mutual respect for one another as caregivers.
Understanding that filing for divorce can be as beneficial as it is challenging can help people overcome their aversion to making a major change. Many people are grateful for divorce after they successfully leave a frustrating marriage.