Money issues are at the root of many divorces, and issues regarding finances do not always end when the divorce decree is signed. As much as we want to move forward in our new post-divorce lives, if you earn more than your ex, you may be required to pay rehabilitative alimony for a period, during which your ex will take steps to become financially self-sufficient.
Rehabilitative alimony in Tennessee
Under Tennessee law, if you have an economic advantage over your spouse, you may be ordered to pay rehabilitative alimony. This type of alimony is meant to give the lesser-earning spouse the chance to achieve an earning capacity that puts them on the same financial footing as the higher-earning spouse, whether that is the standard of living both enjoyed while married or the standard of living the higher-earning spouse enjoys post-divorce.
The court remains in control of the length of time rehabilitative alimony will be paid. The amount paid could go up, down and the length of time can be extended or ended, as long as the spouse seeking the modification can show that there has been a change in circumstances that is both substantial and material.
To extend the term of rehabilitative alimony past the initial end date, the spouse receiving rehabilitative alimony must show that they made all reasonable efforts to improve their financial situation, but they have been unsuccessful in their attempts. If either spouse passes away, rehabilitative alimony payments will end.
Rehabilitative alimony is meant to put both spouses on the same financial footing post-divorce. It may mean your finances will take a hit until the term payments end. However, after that you will be able to move forward financially on your own post-divorce.