Ask for a prenuptial agreement without causing a breakup

On Behalf of | Dec 16, 2016 | Prenuptial Agreements |

Are you interested in creating a prenuptial agreement before your wedding day? If so, it’s safe to assume that you are familiar with what you can include, what you can’t include, and how this can benefit both parties.

But there’s still a major problem lurking: You need to ask your soon to be spouse to agree to the prenuptial agreement. This is easier said than done.

Since this may be weighing on your mind, it’s important to understand the process you can follow to avoid a serious situation, such as a breakup. Here are some tips to follow:

— Don’t issue demands. Discussing a prenuptial agreement is not a time to make demands of your partner. Instead, you need to provide an overview of the document, including why it is beneficial for both people.

— Discuss your fears. You can’t simply ask the other person to sign a prenuptial agreement without first explaining your reasons and fears. Be open and honest, as this will clear the air and make it easier for the other person to understand your position and concerns.

— Remain calm. There is no denying the fact that this conversation could turn heated. If it does, remain calm and consider the strategy of revisiting the idea again in the future.

The last thing you want to do is ask for a prenuptial agreement, just to find that it’s leading you towards a breakup.

When you understand what this document is all about and how it can help both people, you’ll find it easier to have a meaningful conversation.

Source: Business Insider, “How to ask for a prenup without causing a breakup,” Libby Kane, accessed Dec. 16, 2016